The Wild Boyz
- Real Strippers
- We guarantee the guy you chose is the actual guy who arrives.
- Our prices are $100 to $200 more than the competition. Among ten girls, that’s maybe 10 to 20 bucks per girl. Do you really want to save $20 each and risk having a poor quality stripper come to your room? One that used “Bait and Switch” tactics to get your money? Don’t waste your time/money and ruin your party. We charge fair and remember, you get what you pay for.
- Our guys come with stereo and prepared music. If you like hip hop, we have a hip hop playlist. If you like country, we got that. Opera, we have it. Whatever you like.
- Our guys are in great shape, groomed, smell good, great costumes/outfits, and a prepared routine to striptease the bachelorette “magic mike” style! We are here to have a great time with your group and make sure everyone is having fun. That means toasting to the bachelorette, playing games, giving lap dances, performing special tricks, playing pranks, telling jokes, taking pictures, you name it, we do it all!
- Bottom Line: We Care The Most. Your Happiness Is Our Happiness
The Other Guys
- Fake Strippers
- They send a guy who usually looks nothing like the pic of the guy you chose.
- $100/stripper. What this gets you is a guy who looks like they came from Craigslist. No high quality self respecting stripper works for $100/party. Also the agency gets a cut so that stripper would probably make $50/party. There is absolutely no way a quality male entertainer would ever work for that low. I know because I know ALL the dancers in town! – Steve K.
- They bring only music they like and often they don’t come prepared with a stereo.
- Some of these so-called strippers are just average guys that are in barely in shape, sometimes poor hygiene/smell bad, clammy/sweaty from abusing drugs or alcohol, can barely dance, and don’t have a prepared routine. They basically strip fast and then jump on each girl and annoy them by shoving their junk into their face until they tip. When the girls stop tipping, they get dressed quick and leave. (sad truth)
If we can’t provide the dancer we promised, you are entitled to a refund. Contact us for more info.